Tuesday, February 5, 2008


So for our dorm "Bible study" we are going to be reading through the book "Captivating" by John and Stasi Eldredge. I read--well, rather skimmed--through most of it this morning and I really enjoyed it. Learning that God thinks I am beautiful and loves me in a far-from-platonic way is really refreshing. I also learned that it's all right to love God in the way that I know how to love, and that His love for me is passionate, neverending, and relentless. I think that I replaced just simply loving Him with the pressure of reading my Bible daily. Don't get me wrong, I think that daily reading is essential and I need to actually do that, but I was feeling guilty because I saw my negligence of His Word as a sign that I didn't love Him. Again, I really need to do better about reading my Bible because you need to get to know someone in order to truly love them.

On a different topic, I've also been pondering the fact that I can call myself a woman. Some days I feel very much like one; other days, I feel like I'm five. Not in the sense that I feel insignificant, but in the fact that I am crazy and really just enjoy running around barefoot. I suppose I can legitimately call myself a woman physically(heck, physically I've been able to call myself a woman since I was 10), but I'm still working on actually being a woman in every sense of the word. Who knows what that actually means, but whatever.

I need a back rub.

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