Monday, March 31, 2008

Oh Life

I just want school to be over. And yet, I am really sad that it will be over in 3 weeks. I will not see my friends for a very long time. And some will not be here next year. And some I will be rooming with! I wish I had something profound to say, but I have nothing.

Is that a velociraptor???

*inside joke*

Thursday, March 27, 2008


As always...

Maybe I should not play basketball. I get a little too riled up sometimes. My intramural team finally won last night so we get to go to playoffs! Yay! The second team we played was little more...fiesty than the first we played and there was couple heated moments between a couple guys. And I shoved a guy for no reason after the whistle was blown. No one saw I don't think. =/ yeah.

The school year is coming to a close. Only three more full weeks of school after tomorrow! I'm sad. I love school and I can't believe that one year could go by so quickly. I can't imagine how fast the other 3 are going to go. And then there's life in the real world. Agh.

I need to be typing up a script right now. Goodbye.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Once Upon A Time

There was a girl who was bored. And nothing helped.

In Lit class we are performing Twelfth Night. Except our group has to rap it. Oh yeah. I'm such a g. And I just realized that I will be playing Antonio. Who is gay. Yay!

Monday, March 24, 2008

No, I will not wish you Happy Easter

My Easter weekend was surprisingly good considering I wasn't with my family.It was relaxing and although boring at times, an all around good time. Pretty much absolutely no one was on campus and only Sara, Emma, and I were on my floor, but that was nice for our 3 am talk. On Sunday I went to Lora's church with Katie and then to Lora's house for an amazing (flavorful!) lunch. Then Katie and I came back and headed out to another church with Sara for a potluck dinner. Upon arriving at 5:30, we realized that there was a church service before the potluck and that we had already missed half of it. Not wanting to create a disturbance, we sat in the car for 20 minutes and then decided we could wait outside where it was cooler due to a nice breeze. So we sat on a bench and waited for the service to get over so we could find people that Sara and Katie knew. We scouted any eligible young men as we watched for Sara and Katie's friend (no luck, poo). We saw their friend, she asked if Sara and I were sisters (we're not) and then proceeded to disappear with her friend. So we waited in the potluck line for 20 minutes, decided we really weren't hungry, skipped a bunch of people, grabbed chips, got lemonade, and I stole a cup full of cookies (hey, they were those wonderful pink and white frosted animal cookies!). Then we went to go shopping to find underwear but all the stores were closed because it was Easter. So we pretty much went to church to steal some food and then leave right away. I thought it was funny, but maybe you had to be there...

Then we sat in Katie's room and played KillMarryDo for a very long time and then went to Starbucks, came back and watched Arrested Development until about 11 at which point we came back and went to bed.

The End.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Lesbo, Schmesbo

Yesterday I went to Walmart with Eric, Stephen, Jarrod, and Josh. I was standing in the aisle waiting for them to make up their minds as to what they wanted when a little short older lady came up to me and said, "Oh my, you have little doll legs. They're just so cute!" I replied, "Thank you" and then the boys laughed at me. "A lesbian just hit on Abby!" I don't think she was a lesbian. I think she was just a weird old lady that had missed the class on Social Etiquette 101. I immediately wanted to go straight home and put on pants.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

5 Years Later...

I actually have two scenarios: one where I see myself realistically in five years, and one where I see myself ideally in five years.

First scenario:

I'll be out of college for almost a year with a degree in English and lots of general ed under my belt. I'll be living at home with my parents and JoEllen (who will be a junior? sophomore?) and be working at some minimum-wage job. I'll be hanging with my high school friends and maybe even helping my dad coach basketball or something. Pretty much I'll be in high school again without the school part. Not to be cynical or anything.

Second scenario:

*Still graduated from college with a degree in English and lots of general ed under my belt* I'll be on my own maybe in another state working at a really cool job maybe like being a "household helper" where I nanny, help clean house, run errands, do little odd jobs, maybe even do some writing for something random. I'll be saving money and learning French to prepare for my year(or so)-long stay in Paris. I'll be starting to talk to or see someone serious and also be very mature of course. And have long hair. And clear skin.

I like the second scenario better.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Before I answer the question...

I think I need to live in Montana.

Monday, March 17, 2008


Hm, let's try something new. Since I sort of have a boring life that doesn't see much action, maybe the few people who read this can ask me a question. Anything. Personal. Opinion. Favorite things. Whatever. Anyone? Anyone?

Sunday, March 16, 2008


I think my brain is shutting down.

I cut my own hair today. I guess that is related to my brain shutting down. I didn't ruin it, however, which I am greatly thankful for.

Weekend cafeteria is the saddest excuse for food ever.

Why am I complaining? At least I have food to eat.

I need school to be over. And yet, I will be very sad when it is. I hope my summer ideas work out.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Whoa Spring

Ha, Spring Break really threw off my blogging creativity. =)

So it was good. Spring break that is. A little slow, but I got to spend time with my family and friends so overall was a fun break. And now I'm back at school! I'm trying to figure out housing for next year which got a little crazy because one of the girls that I was planning on getting an on-campus apartment with isn't coming back next year and it'll be pretty much impossible to get an apartment with only 3 people. So now the three of us that are left are trying for a three person room, but if we can't get that, I'm not really sure where we're going from there. One of those girls might be studying abroad next semester though, so then it would just leave two of us and then we could just room together in a normal two person room. My life never quite goes how I plan. Maybe God is trying to teach me to relinquish the control I have over my life to Him. Hm. Interesting concept. Maybe I should think about it that way. =)

Also, I would really appreciate prayer for myself. I'm in sort of a depressive weird lonely mood and I need to snap out of it. I literally was in my room for about 5 hours straight today watching The O.C. on my computer. I have not much energy for socialness and I am weary. I feel like I have this complaint a lot and I'm not sure why.

(See, Mom, I'm being more personal!)

On a brighter note, I get to play Ultimate Frisbee tonight! Well, at least I get to run around pretending I'm playing. There's probably going to be a million and one guys out there and not many girls, so I won't get to actually participate that much. I just play to impress boys. =) jk jk

P.S. I like the Step Up 2 soundtrack. I like hip-hop/dance music.