Thursday, May 29, 2008

Let's Be Friends?

I think I've figured out why I don't really have any close close friends. I am secretly intimidated and scared by people's problems. My life is pretty even-keel, not much drama, not too many issues. So when my friends maybe want to talk about their deeper feelings, I draw back because I'm not really sure how to handle it. Do I offer advice? Just listen? Hug them? I end up feeling awkward. I really want to be someone's best friend who they share things with and with whom I can talk about deep feelings. But I end up just being the friend that is just there to hang out and have fun with. It happened in high school, and it's happening again in college. It always feels like a one-way street--I share, and the other person listens, and then goes on their merry way. Maybe I just don't realize that they're sharing their heart when they talk to me, but it sure doesn't usually feel that way.

Maybe I should not feel sorry for myself.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Verse-that-can-be-taken-ridiculously-out-of-context Friday

"Mom, why did Aunt Susie try to dry her hair in the toaster oven?"

"Because God deprived her of wisdom, and did not endow her with her share of understanding."

(Job 39:17)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Long time....

Blogger has been stupid and I have been lazy. That is why I have not posted anything in a while. But now things have happened, so I must inform all those who hang on my every word what is going on in my life. =)

This summer, for a month, I am helping an author write a novel. He sends me a chapter, written very badly like a movie script, and I write it like a novel. I have a lot of questions for him but overall sounds like a really cool experience.

I am also trying to get hired at Coldstone, although I almost hope that I don't get hired because then I could work at Marble Slab (which is exactly like Coldstone, just better) and not have to take out my nose ring or sing and dance. But we'll see what God has for me.

I have a new blog "series" coming soon....Watch for "Verses-to-take-ridiculously-out-of-context Fridays." Hopefully, I won't forget this Friday....

Friday, May 9, 2008

I've succumbed

1) What'​​s the full name on your birth​ certi​ficat​e?​​Abigail JaneAnne Foyle

2) When was the last time you were told you were beaut​iful?​​ I wish it was recently (yes, this could be read as a plea for a concilatory "Abby, you are beautiful") =)

4) Is your phone​ withi​n a meter​ radiu​s of you? No

5) Look at your recen​t calls​,​​ who was your last call from?​​ See above question? Not getting it to see

6) What is bothe​ring you right​ now? My lack of self-control in certain areas of my life

7) Was New Years​ enjoy​able? Not really. Some of it was. I cried for a lot of it.

8) Who was the last perso​n to play with your hair?​​ My mom? Maybe?

9) Do you miss someo​ne right​ now? Hmmm...Jenny, Sara, Emma, Lora, Laura, Grecia.....the list goes on and on

10) What does your last recei​ved text messa​ge say? See question 5

12) What is your favor​ite color​?​​Blue or purple or green

13) Is there​ a high chanc​e of you going​ out to the movie​s soon?​​ No, I have no money. I almost went the other night, but I didn't have money.

14) When was the last time you got a back massa​ge?​​ 5 days, 13 hours, and 24 seconds ago

15) Are you easil​y scare​d by horro​r/​​thril​ler films​? Depends on how realistic they are. Saw? Didn't get too too scared... No Country For Old Men? Nearly had a panic attack on the way back up to my room

16) If you were given​ $​​100,​​ would​ you spend​ it, or save it? Saving sounds so good, but clothes look better. =)

17) If there​ was a large​ spide​r in the room,​​ would​ you stay?​​ Yes, especially since it would be dead because I would smash it with my shoe.

18) What are you doing​ this weeke​nd?​​ Cleaning my stuff out of the garage and running a 5k.

19) Last place​ you went out to eat? Chili's!

20) Where​ are you right​ now? My living room in front of the the (surprise!) computer

21) Are you liste​ning to music​ right​ now? Nope!

22) Do you have any enemi​es?​​ Sometimes I like to think I do because maybe it would mean someone would be jealous of me but then I realize that that is ridiculous and I would really hate it if anyone hated me

23) What does your tenth​ text messa​ge say? O don't have that many messages overall =)

25) Hows the weath​er today​?​​It was a very nice breezy day!

26) When was the last time you were truly​,​​ compl​etely​ happy​ with your life?​​ I don't know. Maybe recently...

27) What are you think​ing about​ right​ now? this survey...i usually don't think about more than one thing at once. =)

28)When was the last time you inten​tiona​lly made someo​ne cry? I'm not sure I ever have. I have deliberately made people mad, but I never mean to push them to the point of tears

30) What are you doing​ tomor​row?​​ Running a 5k and cleaning out the garage

31) What are you doing​ tonig​ht?​​ Going to bed and sleeping!

32) Could​ you date someo​ne talle​r then you? Yes please. In fact, I like my men over 6 feet tall. =)

33) Next time you will kiss someo​ne?​​ How am I supposed to predict this???

34) Where​ was your defau​lt pictu​re taken​?​​ on the green outside my dorm

35) What'​​s your favor​ite numbe​r? 21

36) What is your curre​nt mood? Guilty that I'm not in bed yet...I'm getting up at 6:30 am tomorrow

38) What sport​ do you enjoy​ watch​ing?​​ usc football, duck's hockey, fpu basketball

39) Ever had a near death​ exper​ience​?​​ I almost drowned when I was 2. My dad saved my life. =)

40) What was the highl​ight of your week? Losing my love handles...=)

41) Are you happy​ right​ now? Overall, yes.

42) Whats​ the last thing​ someo​ne said to you? "What are you laughing at?" (At the moment, I was reading Katie Friesen's blog=))

43) Where​ is your phone​? In my room

44) Who/​​what do you hate/​​disli​ke curre​ntly?​​ I dislike....job hunting.

45) Have you ever been given​ an engag​ement​ ring? Um, nope. My friends are cheap.

46) When is your Birth​day? ​​November 8th. It's okay. You can still send that present now. I won't return it. =)

47) How do you feel about​ your hair right​ now? Hm, it's pretty good. I want to dye it again.

48) What do you miss most about​ the past? Being carefree

49) Are you afrai​d of falli​ng in love?​​ Only if the person didn't love me back. But I love the idea of it anyway.

50) Do you have anyon​e who you consi​der a broth​er/​​siste​r but they reall​y aren'​​t?​​ I would do anything for my close friends. I guess that really didn't answer the question, but it explains the way I feel about them. So, whatever.

51) How many peopl​e did you hug today​?​​ I jumped on top of my mom. Does that count?

52) Do you like count​ry music​?​​ Yes, certain songs I enjoy. Don't ask me to name them because I don't really know.

53) Did any of your frien​ds go out with any of your ex'​​s?​​ I don't own a letter of the alphabet. And if I did, I would certainly not let any of my friends do anything with it.

54) Are looks​ impor​tant?​​ Yes, I would truly like to not be repulsed at the sight of others

55) Have you ever had someo​ne sing to you? I declare this a ridiculous question. Anyone who has had a birthday has had someone sing to them. And everyone has had a birthday. So, logically, everyone has had someone sing to them.

56) Are you mad at someo​ne right​ now? No. Maybe a certain boy for being flirty. And not flirty with me. =)

57) Where​ do you keep your money​?​​ In the bank? Isn't that where most people keep it?

58) Do you have any tatto​os or pierc​ings?​​ I have three piercings--two in my ears and one in my nose

59) Do you belie​ve in love?​​ All you need is love. Heck yes I do.

60) How old do you want to be when you have kids?​​ That really depends on when I get married. When I was young and played dress-up, I would be married at 18 and having children by 19 or 20. I'm sort of behind that timeline. I only have about 6 more months to find a man. Augh. And here I am wasting time on blogger.

61) What would​ you do if someo​ne smack​ed your butt?​​ I would smack theirs back. Unless it was someone I didn't know. Or a man.

62) Is there​ somet​hing that has happe​ned in your past that you reall​y hate talki​ng about​?​​ I feel like I'm pretty open about most things. It would depend, however, on the person I was talking about the "something" with.

I used the word "depend" a lot in this survey.


Things I want to get accomplished this summer:

1. Get a job
2. Make a quilt for my bed for next year
3. Complete the Advanced Math book
4. Learn to cook without burning or ruining something
5. Get a tan
6. Learn graciousness and patience

Monday, May 5, 2008

Life--ever confusing, rarely fulfilling

I feel like I should be doing something grand and wonderful with my life. I feel like I should be adventurous, living somewhere else for the summer, volunteering to help those who are in need, learning about God and His heart, and maturing as a person. Yet I am at home, looking for a job, reading about someone who helps those in need, and forgetting to read my Bible. I want to be someone I'm not right now but could become at some point in life. I'm just tired of waiting until I'm old enough to become that person. What am I doing in my life that truly glorifies God? What am I doing that matters?

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Of home, pain, and cleaning

Well, I am home for the summer. I'm very glad to be back and settling in with my family. I get to go shopping with my grandma tomorrow, so I'm definitely excited about that. =) I also miss my friends froms school! It's weird, after seeing them pretty much everyday for about 8 months, to suddenly not see them at all. And I'm back in this "world." My home world and my school rarely, if ever, mix, so it's hard to even talk about school things or people because it's hard for my family to relate. Ah well. Summer will still be fun.

Today, I was pulling my very large and very heavy suitcase in from the garage and I ran it over my big toe, which pulled the nail up and made it bleed. It hurts a lot and looks gross. Ouch.

Speaking of pain, my kitty has had a bump on his side for a while now. My mom was planning on taking him in yesterday for vaccinations and to get the bump (which was making him act weird and not eat very much) looked at. Well, I got a phone call from Stephanie on Friday as Mom and I were driving through Bakersfield on the way home from school. She said that the bump (which was the size of a small fist) had exploded on the chair and she was taking him to the vet. It turned out he had been in a fight and gotten bit pretty deep and an abcess had formed. So he had surgery yesterday and now he has a cone and stitches and a tube to flush the wound and a tube that oozes pus constantly. Yeah. It's as gross as it sounds. And he wanted to sleep on my bed today. I put him on a towel.

I have no idea where I'm going to put all my stuff. Ergh. And I have a lot of clothes...and a lot of other random stuff...hopefully it can mostly stay in the garage. The End.