Monday, May 5, 2008

Life--ever confusing, rarely fulfilling

I feel like I should be doing something grand and wonderful with my life. I feel like I should be adventurous, living somewhere else for the summer, volunteering to help those who are in need, learning about God and His heart, and maturing as a person. Yet I am at home, looking for a job, reading about someone who helps those in need, and forgetting to read my Bible. I want to be someone I'm not right now but could become at some point in life. I'm just tired of waiting until I'm old enough to become that person. What am I doing in my life that truly glorifies God? What am I doing that matters?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where you're at right now is a perfectly suitable place to glorify God: your relationships with your family members, etc.. Glorifying God isn't a destination - it's right now! You can meet needs just by being who you are where you are. He has you here and you can glorify Him where He has you. (Not to say that those other things you mentioned are NOT for you, necessarily, because He could lead you there, too. That's the cool thing about God. It's impossible to predict Him and He's way bigger than us.) It's our job to listen for His leading and then follow - something I'm learning, too. It's a constant journey; there is no 'arrival.'