Sunday, July 20, 2008

Viva la Vida

This year I was asked to be a counselor at Lassen, and I agreed. I'm pretty excited about it--I've been feeling kind of old being in a cabin (this is my tenth year in a row at lassen and eleventh overall). But I'm also intimidated (story of my life). Who am I to be teaching or to think I could teach younger girls? What makes me so special and experienced to be able to guide them in a sort of right way? I guess the answer is that nothing makes me that. But God will give me the wisdom to know how to lead discussion and answer any questions. I don't have grand aspirations; I'm really hoping I get really really talkative girls so I don't have to say too much. But I wouldn't mind being a role model of some sort, even if it's just for a week. Or five days actually. The only bummer is the 6:30 am prayer meeting. Coffee will be my new best friend. And naps. Although naps have always been a good buddy of mine.

I had a revelation. While I can not be as moved by God sending His Son for billions and billions of people, it is "an embarrassment of love" [C.S. Lewis] for Him to send Jesus just for me. And that's what He did.

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