Thursday, July 10, 2008

What is that spot in my nose??

So today I had a dental scan (a reall high-tech 3d xray) done and I found out that I have a sinus infection. This revelation was so strange to me. I feel fine! Yet, the technician/xray reading expert informed that the large gray blob in the black space where my nose is is, in fact, a sinus infection. Hm. I think it's from when I got sick at school in January and my nose hasn't been clear since. But the scan was cool.

I wish I was at a lake in Illinois right now. Stephanie left yesterday and Hannah leaves tomorrow and I want to go!!! Stupid work! Although money is good, right? But I think Shallowbrook is better. Ah well, I'll have to be content with Lassen.

I need to go write.


Caleb said...

First teeth now sinuses what is next. These things always happen in 3's.

Anonymous said...

'I need to go write' ...
story of my life