Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Olympics

My observations of the Olympics in no particular order:

1. The media LOVES Michael Phelps. Why? Well, aside from the fact he's pretty hott...;)

2. Women's gymnastics=awesome even though the US didn't win.

3. The men are all starting to wear bodysuits now to swim instead of the Speedos...sad day. That's why mom and I watch the summer Olympics.

4. They are so late. 12 am? Really?

5. We think that the Chinese girls are way too young to be competing. There's no way that little gymnast could be 16.

6. It's really fun to hear the announcer say foreign names in an American accent.

7. The women should wear more clothes to play volleyball.

8. Hearing the Romanian ex-coach say, "Vow!" instead of "Wow!" last night was highly entertaining.

9. I want the track and field to start.

10. Michael Phelps is amazing.


Sara said...
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Sara said...

Okay, first of all,
"The men are all starting to wear bodysuits now to swim instead of the Speedos...sad day"
"The women should wear more clothes to play volleyball"
Double standard.

Although I totally agree.

I've decided that even if it's against the rules, if those little 14 year olds from China are THAT good, give them a freaking medal. It would be so sad to take it away - they were ripped from their families as toddlers to do what they just did, you know?

I also don't understand why they can't play them earlier - I've been like falling asleep at work all week because they are keeping me up so late!

Caleb said...

Body Suit = Less Drag

That is the science behind it more or less. My mathematics acumen is shining forth in this brilliant equation.

As for the Chinese, I say take away the medals. I understand they were ripped from their homes and put in some gymnastics boot camp but their medals aren't personal in China anyway. It is a propaganda tool for the oppressive communist regime and if they cheated to gain them they should be stripped of their medals in my humble opinion.

Anonymous said...

now, this is why i don't do sports; a lump of metal with a ribbon on is just taken waaay too seriously
wait, i forgot--'s not the medal, it's the honor. scuse me.

Caleb said...

BTW did you see the hungarian weigh lifter get injured. YIKES! don't watch the video if you are squeamish.