Monday, September 8, 2008


Hello, it's been a while since I've updated, mostly due to the fact that I am ridiculously busy and right now I have stuff to do, so I am merrily procrastinating. Why is it that as soon as I get to school and tons of things happen, I have nothing to say? Oh, I won't be listed as editor of The Book anymore. But I could care less, at this point. It's over and done, and I don't really care. Um...let's see...I'm going houseboating this weekend...Yay! writing tutor job is taking up all my time...I'm having a great time in Creative Writing: Fiction writing short stories...I love my roommate Jenny...Death At A Funeral is a really really funny movie (if you don't mind about 100 uses of the f-word that is)...Hick's Lake was very good; you wish you were my friend so I could tell you why it was so good...I need to go clean and do homework...

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