Thursday, October 23, 2008


So, Sara made a good point on my last post. She pointed out that the reason I might feel like I have a better spiritual life at home is because that's where I've been the most comfortable spiritually. I think she's right. I think that maybe it's just that my spiritual life sucks and I need to improve it. It's not school, it's me. Who am I to put the blame on school? I need to take personal responsibility for my relationship with God, regardless of where I am. Wow, it's difficult having an epiphany. Then I actually feel guilty and sort of convicted. :) Now, where to start? I've been saying this for years, but I should actually organize my day so that I have time to spend a little quiet time with the Bible and prayer. I can think up a million lame excuses, but at the end of the day, that's exactly what they are--just lame excuses. I really like the illustration that I've heard before of your heart being Christ's home. I've let Him in the door, but now he's just sitting in the living room while I run around the house, busy in my own life and my own problems. I don't always like the cute little analogies of "Jesus is in your heart/He's waiting for you to notice Him/hello, I am cute, warm fuzzy Christianity," but I do like that one. He is waiting for me to notice Him, to come and be sheltered from the world in His arms. He loves me. And that's amazing.

What a friend we have in Jesus
All our sins and griefs to bear
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer
Oh what peace we often forfeit
Oh what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer

P.S. I remembered that whole verse by heart. No big deal.


Caleb said...

I always like to do that song with a little bluegrass rhythm. It would be great with a banjo.

Anonymous said...

i used to know the whole song; now i mix up lines from different verses and it becomes a mish-mosh. tis a good song tho.