Sunday, October 5, 2008

Whoa, Easy, Turbo

(turbo is the new word for life)

I just looked at my schedule and thought I'd share with you guys. Next week (not this one coming, but the next one) is midterm and then I come back to school for four weeks and then it's Thanksgiving break and then I come back for a week, then it's finals week, then I'm home for a month for Christmas break. And since every week feels like it lasts about three days, it will fly by. Holy *cough*. And insert my birthday in there somewhere. And life. And fun. And homework. Agh. I'm okay with it in a sense because I'm definitely looking forward to Christmas break, but still. Can ya wait for me to catch up, life?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you have way too much vacation time. sam has too little. maybe you could share
