A is for age: 19.
B is for beer of choice: I don't choose to drink beer. It's pretty much disgusting.
C is for career right now: I have no career as of now and I have no idea what it will be.
D is for your dog's name: I have no dog. She is dead. But her name was Alicia.
E is for essential item you use every day: my toothbrush.
F is for favorite TV shows: Arrested development, the office, one tree hill
G is for favorite game: hockey :)
H is for hometown: Corona
I is for instruments you play: piano and heartstrings
J is for favorite juice: orange peach mango
K is for whose butt you'd like to kick: hm. interesting.
L is for last place you ate: the caf. blegh.
M is for marriage: it is? oh, okay.
N is for your middle name: JaneAnne
O is for overnight hospital stay: I've never done that.
P is for people you were with today: Wow. too many to remember and count actually.
Q is for quote: "Hey, they all start with A! Oh wait, it's alphabetical. Never mind. Just ignore my stupidity."
R is for biggest regret: I don't really have one.
S is for sport: I like to play sports. I also like to watch them. Frisbee, hockey, football....all good.
T is for time you woke up today: 7:15.
U is for underwear you have on now: AE. Polka dots. Cute.
V is for vegetable you love: squash actually.
W is for worst habits: not being vulnerable and opening up to other people. and being depressive.
X is for xrays you've had: Nada.
Y is for something yummy you've eaten today: coffee chocolate chip pancakes. :)
Z is for zodiac sign: scorpio.
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1 comment:
A. Piano and Heartstrings. That's hilarious. I love you.
B. Coffee flavored pancakes? How is that good? I don't understand!
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