Friday, July 25, 2008


I am done with The Book!!! I am very relieved and happy to be done. On to fame and stardom!

Thursday, July 24, 2008


I'm really excited about going to Lassen this year. I just don't want to be too excited anticipating something that might not even happen. (Lassen will happen for sure, just certain events there might not). I try not to imagine what might happen or get my hopes up too much about things that I'm just wishing would happen.

I was told last night that I was volunteered to be in charge of the music at camp too. Hum. Okay, stop humming....Anyway, hopefully I won't actually have to do anything and it will sound spectacular. Yeah right.

And we have to do cabin presentations again and I really hate getting up on stage. I'm hoping my girls will all be closet opera singers or break dancers or something cool. At least cooler than me.

We leave on Saturday! Hooray!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sara Rose

[I hope you don't mind I stole this from your myspace bulletin, but I liked it]

This made me laugh a little, and then realize again the sacredness of the gift that God gives us.

Are you afraid of falling in love?

Sure. When you fall in love your only long-term options are breaking up, dying, or getting married, and all of those are pretty scary, if you ask me.

Viva la Vida

This year I was asked to be a counselor at Lassen, and I agreed. I'm pretty excited about it--I've been feeling kind of old being in a cabin (this is my tenth year in a row at lassen and eleventh overall). But I'm also intimidated (story of my life). Who am I to be teaching or to think I could teach younger girls? What makes me so special and experienced to be able to guide them in a sort of right way? I guess the answer is that nothing makes me that. But God will give me the wisdom to know how to lead discussion and answer any questions. I don't have grand aspirations; I'm really hoping I get really really talkative girls so I don't have to say too much. But I wouldn't mind being a role model of some sort, even if it's just for a week. Or five days actually. The only bummer is the 6:30 am prayer meeting. Coffee will be my new best friend. And naps. Although naps have always been a good buddy of mine.

I had a revelation. While I can not be as moved by God sending His Son for billions and billions of people, it is "an embarrassment of love" [C.S. Lewis] for Him to send Jesus just for me. And that's what He did.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Well, I might not have a sinus infection. Now I have no idea what the spot in my sinuses is. A radiologist will hopefully be able to tell me.

So after all that rigamarole about not being able to go to Shallowbrook because of work, I didn't work this whole week. I'm annoyed. So I've been writing, hanging at basketball camp, and generally doing nothing and feeling irritated that I was not in Illinois. I guess there's a point in me not going. At least I get to go to Lassen!

I thought I was having a heart attack today. My heart did a funny couple of jumps and made my chest ache and then I was gasping for breath. It was weird. And I was home alone. But I didn't die and I have full use of my left side, so I'm good. Just paranoid.

And I thought of something I could do when I graduate for a job that involves an English degree. I could edit/publish a magazine for girls! Too bad Brio's already beat me to the punch. But I could do something different and fresh, something that will actually teach teenage girls to be smart and not shallow, to be informed and not just obssessed with relationships. I already have an idea for the name of it. That's the thing with me--I get an idea and then I go crazy with it for about a week and then it loses its novelty. But that's okay for now. I still have three more years of school. =)

Can anyone recommend a stellar devotional book?


I finally found Mom's secret stash of moonshine....that's what was in that Mason canning jar in the fridge.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

What is that spot in my nose??

So today I had a dental scan (a reall high-tech 3d xray) done and I found out that I have a sinus infection. This revelation was so strange to me. I feel fine! Yet, the technician/xray reading expert informed that the large gray blob in the black space where my nose is is, in fact, a sinus infection. Hm. I think it's from when I got sick at school in January and my nose hasn't been clear since. But the scan was cool.

I wish I was at a lake in Illinois right now. Stephanie left yesterday and Hannah leaves tomorrow and I want to go!!! Stupid work! Although money is good, right? But I think Shallowbrook is better. Ah well, I'll have to be content with Lassen.

I need to go write.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


I am bored.

I am restless.

I am grumpy.